Latest concert updates:
10.05.2025: Ball of Hope, Ike Moriz Swing Band, The Westin, Convention Square, Lower Long St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, SA (by invitation only)
Stars & Skulls Tour 2025:
27.06.25: Chattahoochee, Meiendorfer Straße 34 - 22145 Rahlstedt, Germany, 8pm
28.06.25: Alte Deichkate, Billwerder Billdeich 256, 21033 Bergedorf, Germany, 7pm
01.07.25: Bismarck, Swing Show, Ike Moriz Duo, Mühlenweg, 21465 Reinbek, Germany, 4pm (by invitation only)
04.07.25: Oxhoft Weinlager Wentorf, Hauptstrasse 6E, 21465 Wentorf, Germany, entry from 7pm, start: 7.30pm
12.07.25: Schloss Vietgest, Schloßstraße 4, 18279 Lalendorf, Germany, 6.30pm
17.07.25: Haus Brügge - Literatur- & Musikcafé, Leuschner Str. 86, 21031 Lohbrügge, Germany, 3.30pm
22.07.25: Sommerfest, Schwarzenbek, Berliner Strasse 4-6, 21493 Schwarzenbek, Germany, 3pm (by invitation only)